On Sunday, Dale and I went to a swap meet and flea market in Fond Du Lac, Wisconsin. It was a great time to spend some much needed time with my husband. We bought 4 items. The first was a Popsicle metal sign. Dale said it reminded him of me, for I really enjoy Popsicles. He Said the girl on the sign has my cocky look as well. Got to love him! So yes we purchased it for $6.
Our second purchase was this wonderful Campbell's Soup sign. I saw it and had to have it for my new garage. I know pathetic! But it is way fun. Right! And at a bargain price of $2
Our next purchase was this 1960's peach pedal car. Yeah it was a good deal and it is super sweet. It is a great idea for children. It has the original paint from the 1960's. It is a Superb item. Dale is going to re-list this item on E bay. We will see if we make a profit.
Then Dale and I purchased these vintage roller skates. I had a pair of these when I was a kid, and they were cool. You just belt your shoes right on and off you go ~ rollerskating. Yes, it is the finest things in life that makes me happy. We are going to be doing a lot of swap and flea markets this year to find old and rustic things for the house. Wish us luck as our long adventure is starting!