Thursday, August 21, 2008

Thankful Thursday!!

What am I thankful for this Thursday would be the most simplest things in life. I am thankful for the beautiful sunsets we have in Wisconsin because what better way would you want to unwind your day but by watching this wonderful sunset out your back door..
I am thankful for pen and paper because it gives us the opportunity to write to a friend or make a grocery list. I am also thankful for stamps so I can mail things in the mail and receive the all time favorite JUNK mail. I am thankful for the Internet because without the Internet I wouldn't have fun on my blog and its the most convenient way to communicate these days. I am thankful for batteries so my mouse, keyboard, remote control, and camera work. I am thankful for deodorant so when I perspirate I don't smell all funny and weird. The last thing I am thankful for this week is running water because it allows me to take a shower and feel so very clean..

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