Monday, July 20, 2009

Finally a Front Door

Well, I has taken me a LONG time to figure out what front door I wanted for the house. Every time Dale and I went to town we'd alway check out door but never could find that special door that jumped out at me. But 4 weeks ago, Dale and I went to LOWE's in plover and Ta-da there it was, it was like a light was shining on it, okay there was it was in a show case, anyways; I totally fell in love with this door, and we purchased it. We not only purchased this door but we purchased 2 other door as well. But, we are finally done with this crazy door shopping.. Thank goodness is all I can say. I really enjoy building a house with the man I absolutely adore and love. He is the greatest thing in my life. I am so grateful and thankful he is in my life. with out him I would be nothing. He is my rock and my inspiration...

Dales door on the right and my door on the left.. LOL


Lily Storm said...

What a pretty door!

Lily Storm said...

By the way my blog is "Only What I Think." I just found your message. Sorry, I'm still trying to figure all this out! lol