About a month ago, there was complete destruction to Haiti caused by a 7.0 earthquake. Many people lost there homes, schools, friends, brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, mom's, dad's and children. It was a terrible day for this country. They lost many loved ones. there are so many children in orphanages who don't have anyone they can trust. the number of children in orphanages will increase due to this destruction. Why does mother nature have to be so harsh? Why does so many people have to suffer? Why is life so hard? Can't everything just go as planned, there were so many innocent people that died that day. So many young children. Did god need angels that he took so many in a couple of days time. Or was that out of his control. Is life for these people of Haiti ever going to get better? What kind of a life do they have? Losing all the ones they love and adore. How much hardship do they have to endure. It just gets me thinking that so many people no matter color or race, they suffer so dramatically. What was the reasoning, was there a higher power? I have no clue. I surely wouldn't be asking.
I have thought about adopting one of these children but the dollar signs always get in the way. I wished there was an easier way to adopt a child from another country then to pay such crazy amount of money for a child that has literally nothing and they have no family. What is the country doing to these innocent children. I have no clue.
I have been pondering the thought of children for about 4 months now, I don't foresee Dale and I getting pregnant and having a children. I don't think we can. We have been married 9 years and absolutely no oops has ever happened. So this year I will concentrate on building the house and maybe I will adapt a child from another country. Who knows what life will bring once we have a nice home to bring up our children in. Ponder never hurt any one.
What is your feelings on the devastation that happened in Haiti? I just hope and pray they will recover and grow into a stronger and more organized country. for they can't bear anymore sorrow or hardship..
Thanks for taking the time and reading whats important to me...
my neighbors who have adopted a. lot. of children...just recently got three girls from Haiti. They worked on their adoptions for years, and just before the earthquake everything went through. They don't speak english, but love learning...
Adoption is awesome!! =)
I would babysit. Just thought I would let you know that. Debbie
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