Tuesday, June 24, 2008

One Angel - No Wings

I worked the graveyard shift last night Oh my god, I saw some sights! I had a constant stream of admissions Mostly old, with chronic conditions
Gout and asthma, and a few heart pains Even a sprinkling of varicose veins People yelling and wetting their beds Sending us nurses off our heads
Someone let out a ripping fart Made me gasp … and clutch my heart Then a snort, a grunt, a yelp Those people really should get help!
That lady in the farthest bed She was so pale I thought she was dead Her pallor was just a trick of light My god!! she sure gave me a fright
I worked my butt off, as per usual Charts, charts, charts for my perusal B/P's were done - standing and lying I weighed them all and felt like crying
I wiped up poop and dished out pans Then rubbed some butts with my caring hands I did the obs, the whole damn lot Gave morning meds then cleaned the grot
So there I was earning my crust Even though I cursed and cussed! I am an Angel dressed in white Walking the ward in the midst of night


Unknown said...

I seriously got a good chuckle out of this one! Thanks! =)

Anonymous said...

I thought it was cute and dale told me I shouldn't have posted it but hey I went ahead and did it anyways.